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Monday, 14 February 2011
Love Condition
Minhee was practicing in the air conditioned room of Cloud entertainment - a new entertainment with a newly debuted group. Minhee was a member of that group. The group was titled "Lite". They were dubbed as the female SHINee, that is until Lite announced that they were to be SHINee's enemy just for a laugh, but the fans didn’t know that. This caused many Shawols to argue with 'lights' the Lite fanclub name. It had always been that way, since the debut took place. Minhee was just stretching out her worn out muscles, when she heard her phone ring.
Park Chanlee was the creator of Cloud entertainment.
"Yeobeseyo?" Minhee answered,
'Minhee, you've got to go to a meeting today. It's in two hours. I expect you to be here. The other girls are already here, to discuss some matters. You will need to come. However if possible, I'd advise you to come here soon.'
"Arraso. Let me just change, and I'll be on my way."
'Okay. I'll just tell the board members.' Chanlee responded, hanging up.
Board members? Wow, this must be something serious. I do hope it's not related to my little fights with Choi Minho. Minhee thought. Every now and then, Minho and her stirred up a fight before going onto stage. SHINee and Lite did a collab of their song Obsession. Minhee sang with Minho for his lines. Bringing a great and harmonious song together. However, after the performance the two didn't stop arguing because of 'Minhee apparently blocking his light'. Not wanting to think about that moment in time, Minhee rushed. Aish, I better hurry!! Minhee thought, dashing from the toilet, to the changing room, to the toilet again, then back to the studio and out.
After a good five to ten minutes, Minhee arrived at the meeting room. From the inside she could hear:
"Kang Minhee unnie is a great person! I don't understand why you want her to leave. Sure she can have some anger issues, but she's the nicest person I've ever met! I don't want to lose something like her from my life. Please sir, let her stay. I'll try my best to make unnie control her anger!"
Minhee smiled. That was her dongsaeng Jung Hyojin speaking on her behalf. She heard three other voices agree. Thank you unnies! She thought. She knocked on the door, and when she heard 'enter' made herself seen.
"Oh, Minhee. Welcome. I'm here to discuss some certain issues with you. Yesterday wasn't what I had expected from a well-trained proffesional like you. Seeing you there fighting with SHINee's Lee Minho could cause you and my entertainment's image a large amount of disruption! I know, like Hyojin said earlier, that you will learn to control. However, if you don't, I will put my decision forward and remove you from this group. Understood?"
Minhee who hand't even had the chance to sit down nodded absentmindedly. She scratched her non-itchy head, and tilted it, trying to look sorry. "Mianhe sir. It's just... he was being so cocky! Saying that I was taking his light! There was enough light there to light-"
"See, this is what I mean. Minhee, if you end up with another fight with SHINee's Minho, you know what'll happen right?" Chanlee pretended to slit his throat. Minhee nodded.
After the meeting, the Lite girls gathered around Minhee. She was sobbing, which she didn't want them to see, but all her hard work. It could've been gone! Just because of one stupid Choi Minho! Wiping her tears, she looked up at her friends. They expectantly looked at her.
"Unnie, what are you going to do now?" Hyojin asked.
"I think I'm going to stay at home today. Today really isn't my day today. I'll see you guys later! bye!" Minhee waved, before drifting away.
"I really worry about that girl sometimes. She should know that her unnies and dongsaeng are here to help. We already know that she doesn't like to show her weak side, but sometimes, it's good for you to do that. It helps you open up. I just hope that things turn for the better." Lee Minrae, Lite's leader sighed.
Minho was walking out of the SM building. Key was texting him, telling him to pick up some apples and flour. He rolled his eyes. Cook-aholic! He thought. His train of thoughts changed however, when he saw a sobbing figure sitting on the bench. He walked closer to it, finding it be Minhee. Worried, he patted her shoulder. Glancing up, Minhee gasped. The reason for her crying was in front of her. She stood up and rapidly walked away. Her need for crying long gone and hatred took its place.
She was taking long strides, trying to outnumber Minho's long steps. But, he eventually catched up to her, and gave up.
"What do you want?"
"What's the matter with you? You are usually a happy girl you know. Bouncing about, not really that crying girl I saw earlier."
"Well, maybe that was my twin. Look, I have to go. Please go your way, and I'll be on mine."
"Aish, you really don't get it do you? I'm trying to friendly here, but there you are not accepting it. I don't understand you Kang Minhee."
"Exactly, so please stop trying." She shoved him off and walked away.
I so badly wanted to start soemthing like an arguement. But, what's the point? There's no need to, plus, if I did that anyways, I'd be in deep trouble for it. She thought, grasping her bag tighter.
Minhee was back on track, and more active after that one day off. Of course, she would occationally be silent, but it wasn't long before her silence wore off thanks to her Lite members. They were glad that their Minhee was back. She was walking towards the streo, about to turn it on, but tripped on some cables. Her friends cracked up, but Sanghee was able to overcome first, and helped her up.
"Minhee condition! You know, you're more and more like Onew as the days go by!" Hyojin teased her unnie.
"Pssh, just because you're jealous you aren't like your bia-"
"SST! You promised not to tell!" Hyojin had quickly covered Minhee's mouth with her hands, glancing around to and fro, "anybody could be listening you know. I don't want any scandals okay? Jung Hyojin is a scandal-less person arraso?"
Chuckling Minhee nodded.
It was finally Lite's comback stage. Over fifty thousand 'Lights' had gathered to watch them Live. Giving out harmonious voices and beautiful melodies, the girls danced along to their song "Shimmer in the moonLITE". At the end, many cheers erupted. However, the music hadn't stpoped. Replay's intrumental version played in the background, and Lights, who happened to be Shawols as well started to sing along.
All heads turned to locate the voice. Lite was the most surprised. They weren't expecting anyone to have turned up at that moment.
"OI, WE'RE HERE. RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!" Minho barked. He was directly in front of the stage. The other four were spread out, and if there were SHINee clones, it would've looked like five different lines of hotly dressed boys. All five were within arm’s reach of a fan, but they dared not to, in case he disappeared.
SHINee climbed up the steps, and stood next to their equivalent member and smiled at the crowd.
A-yo then started to play, and the girls became excited, started to sing along as well. Perfectly getting the notes, and dancing. Minhee didn't care who saw her, she was having the time of her life! Enjoying the music, not having a care in the world. That was until she did a wrong move, and bumped into Minho. Her eyes closed automatically - a reflex. When she opened them, she saw Minho... a bit too close, and her eyes scanned downwards to see their lips slightly touching.
"Ohhhh!" The crowd chanted.
Minhee quickly pulled back, and slapped him. Minho was shocked at her action. Minhee looked at her hands, and ran away. Lite and Minho looked after her shadow disappearing through backstage. He caught Taemin's eye, and saw him nod. Although Taemin was the maknae, he did have times whenever he could be the wisest out of his hyungs. Minho bowed, then left, re-tracing Minhee's steps.
Minho eventually saw her. She was looking at the sunset, with a dazed face. In the background, you could hear SHINee’s ‘Romantic’ playing. So, I guess they went ahead without me… She thought, rubbing her arms for warmth.
“You know, running away isn’t the best possible answer,” Minho approached her, “sometimes you’ve just gotta go there, and say the truth.”
“What if, when you say the truth, you end up getting hurt. What if, when you say the truth, you find out something that you don’t want to?” She asked, staring up at him. The sunlight’s rays hitting the best places possible radiated his milky skin.
“Well, for one thing. Not all things make you sad. I still haven’t gotten to understand you. I know, it must be awkward for us right now, but… please. Just let me get to know the real you.” Minho pleaded.
Sighing, Minhee turned to look at him, “are you really sure you want to know?” he nodded. “Arraso, you see, I was born an only child. My parents were kind and supportive. We aren’t from a rich background. Nor poor, just middle class. I was on my way home, when some random dude bumped into me. He apologized, and I just bowed back. Later, when I got home I found something…”
“Omo, I’m sorry.” The man then ran away. Minhee shook her head, and proceeded on her way home. She was about to get her keys out of her bag, but felt nothing in it. Widening her eyes, she fumbled, searching every inch of the bag. “No, there’s no way I could’ve left them!” she said to herself. Finally giving up, she rang the doorbell.
Her mom answered, wearing a pink apron, and wearing rubber gloves. “Oh, hello Minhee. Why didn’t you use your key?”
“I can’t find it…” she murmured, stepping into her home.
“What do you mean?”
“I can’t find it… hold on a second,” she tipped out the contents of her bag. Only her make-up and comb came out. She started to tear up, “UMMA! That person I bumped into earlier took all I had! The money I worked so hard for at the cafĂ©, plus its bonus! I was going to give it to you guys, as thanks for everything and buy a present. But… now, I just can’t do anything about it!”
“Shh, Minhee, it is alright. I understand you wanted to share your generosity; however, you don’t have to. We are your parents. We’re supposed to love and care for you. You don’t need to work hard to earn money to get us a present. You yourself are the best present I could ever ask for! Just know that whatever trouble you’ll get yourself into, your appa and I will understand fully, and support you through it.”
Minhee hugged her mother, tear stains already seen on the shoulder area.
End of Flashback
“…so you see, life for me hasn’t always been easy. When I saw the ad for a new entertainment, I jumped at the opportunity. I did it to help my family out, and to give then a happy life. Not only that, But I also find a passion in singing. It was the best thing, and I’m glad it took place right there and then. I didn’t want to see my parents suffer in the living conditions we had. So, thanks to me being a celebrity, we are now living the happiest lives I’d never thought I would’ve had! Aigoo, you must be bored out of your wits because of this. Mianhe. I tend to… drift off when talking about my family. My family of which I haven’t seen in two years, THANK YOU TRAINING!” Minhee shouted the final sentence out loud.
Minho chuckled. Minhee faced him, “what, does my story amuse you?!” She asked, clearly angry. Minho backed away, waving his hands about.
“No, it’s actually quite touching. I’m sorry if I ever started those fights with you. There’s just something about you that makes me want to pick a fight though. I don’t know, maybe it’s my teenage senses kicking in.” Minho joked.
“You know, this is the first conversation we’ve ever had without clawing out each other’s eyeballs.”
“You’re right. And, I like it like that. More peaceful, and I’m just going to add some awkwardness, by saying this, but… you know that kiss earlier was an accident right?” Minho checked.
Minhee turned slightly red, “err, yeah. Of course it was! Just a mere accident.”
Minho chuckled, “this one isn’t though.” He leaned down and was about to kiss her, but she stumbled backwards, almost falling over. But he caught her in time. He laughed, “Minhee, I am under your love condition…”
The two giggled at each other. Minhee’s random falls were actually what got her to be with Minho. How they got together you ask? After Minho had caught her, they kissed for real and after that left the concert to go on a date. Yeah, selfish much, but they couldn’t wait.
I hope you enjoyed that, and that you didn’t drift into sleep or something! HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY BTW!!! ^^
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